
Uit Petities
Versie door Rrr (Overleg | bijdragen) op 23 jul 2011 om 08:36 (categorie developer)

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Below a comparison between the ePetition Data Standard revision 1.0a recommendation from FutureGov, Participitech, and the Consultation Institute [1] versus the data used in in the Netherlands. The ePetition Data Standard assumes XML. The purpose of this page is to explore the possibilities to write a European standard to be used by the partners in the EuroPetition network and other online petitioning projects. Possibly through OASIS?

tag in Data Standard tag in comments by
generator not used
petition language tag appeals to RFC3066
thresholds not used
threshold not used
petitioner petitions:petitioner_organisation
person petitions:petitioner_name
fullName petitions:petitioner_name
address petitions:petitioner_address
line petitions:petitioner_address
postcode petitions:petitioner_postalcode
email users:email
emailAddress users:email
addressType not used
maintainer not used
title petitions:name
preamble petitions:initiators
action petitions:request
background petitions:statement
links petitions:link1 link2 link3 link1_text link2_text link3_text site1 site1_text
tags tags
tag tags:tag name
target petitions:organisation_id organisation_name
location petitions:lat_lng lat_lng_sw lat_ng_ne
guid petitions:subdomain name_clean
signaturesOpenDate,signaturesCloseDate progressions:created_at updated_at petitions:date_projected
status petitions:status
statusDates petitions:updated_at
date petitions:updated_at
rejectionReason progressions:status
signatures petitions:signatures_count
signatureSet petitions:number_of_signatures_on_paper
signature signatures
person signatures:person_name
name signatures:person_name
address signatures:person_street
postcode signatures:person_postalcode
email signatures:person_email
addressType not used
optIn signatures:subscribe
comment* signatures:person_function
removalReason not used
authenticated confirmed by default signatures are confirmed by the end-user only, occassionally deleted
not used signatures:signed_at
not used signatures:confirmed_at
not used signatures:special for prominent signatures, like celebrities