Uit Petities
Essential for the functioning of the petitioning website are these existing features:
- withstand peek demand (visits and signing)
- prevent automated signatures (currently by following a link received by e-mail)
- reply to the petition to all signatories
- newsletter by petitioner to signatories
- pledges by signatories (helping out, donations)
- share the petition (petition has subdomain)
- overview of petitions: active, new (RSS), biggest, closing soon, answered (and other statuses)
- start a petition form using legacy format (intro, we, statement, request) combined with user creation
- petitioner confirms e-mail and real name, but can choose anonimity
- petitioner can edit intro, links and write updates of published petition and personal information
- petition moderation by 'desks' in a webinterface, with e-mail alerts
- petition has recipient
- petitioner can add updates about the petition
- moderator can edit and open/close petitions for signing
- moderator can view/edit the values in the database through a webinterface
- anyone can use a contact form to e-mail the moderator
- a help section/knowledge base for signatories, petitioners and the public
- about us and privacy page
- page to send donations