Periodic tasks
Uit Petities
This periodic tasks need to be executed by the system. When e-mails need to go out, the text of the e-mail is linked from the index of e-mailmessages.
- unconfirmed signature a week ago? send a reminder to confirm, unless petition close date is two weeks away
- unconfirmed user a week ago? send a reminder to confirm
- unconfirmed signature and petition closes next week? send a reminder to confirm, the "last call", unless reminders_sent = 3
- unconfirmed signature for a closed petition? delete signature and increase a value unconfirmed_signatures_count for the petition with one (to monitor effectiveness)
- petition reaches due date in one week and has less than 10 signatures or no signatures the last month, then send an e-mail asking to change due date or it will automatically be revoked
- petition reaches due date but with less than 10 signatures, then revoke it
- petition status changes to to_process at due date, send an announcement to recipient of petition with request for an answer and a reference number, unless petitioner did not write news updates, then status = orphan
adopt a petition detour
- petition reaches due date but without news updates from petitioner, then e-mail to petitioner to write about the pending hand over otherwise the petition is open for adoption by other signatories
- petition with no news updates and a week passed due date, then change status to orphan
- petition with status is orphan then e-mail to first signatory (with oldest confirm date) with any pledge value requesting to adopt the petition, change due date and write news update. Or answer questionaire and not adopt it.
- petition with status orphan, send an e-mail two days after the previously asked signatory to the next with any pledge value not yet asked to adopt (see previous)
- petition with status orphan and no signatories with any pledge value, then send the question to adopt to the next signatory without pledge value.
- petition with status orphan and all signatories asked to adopt one week ago, then change status to withdrawn and publish results of questionaire in newsitem with show_on_petition = 1.
- petition with status orphan and due date in the future, change status back to signable (apparently the petitioner woke up and became active)
petition hand over
- petition with news update and announcement sent to recipient unanswered for two weeks after close date, repeat the above request for an answer with reference to the e-mail two weeks earlier
- petition with news update and announcement unanswered for four weeks after close date, repeat the above request for an answer with reference to the e-mails two and four weeks earlier
- petition with news update and announcement unanswered for six weeks after close date, change status to not_processed
- petition with a reference value then... work out the rest of this with the 5 extra values based on antwoord?